Simply your life with home automation

With the popularity of smart phones, tablets, Alexa, Google Home, Amazon Echo and Apple HomePod, we have become accustomed to having our needs at our fingertips and now by voice. This technology now allows for music to play throughout your home, control light switches, window shades and thermostats to name a handful. You can also operate televisions, security cameras, light bulbs and small appliances.

This advancement allows for energy conservation, peace of mind and ease of use.  Smart home technology is also a safety feature, advancing to carbon monoxide and smoke detectors, smart locks and even doorbells with built in cameras to see who is at your door.

Garage doors can now be accessed via your smart phone. It seems the possibilities for home control and automation are endless.   There are even smart home applications to feed your pets while you are away. Dispense a meal or a treat. The option is yours.

If you have a second home these smart home controls allow you to “check” on your home and know that the heat or air conditioning is operating, that the water heater is on. A camera application provides security.

Call the experts at  Lucci Electric to help you establish home automation that is just right for you and simplify your life.

Are You Ready for the Spring Real Estate Market?

Smart Home technology, lighting design or an Automatic Stand-by Generator can add value to your home.

Whether you are looking to purchase your first home, a new home, relocating or downsizing, spring is typically kick off for the residential real estate market.

Now is the time to prepare your home to show well and provide value to the buyer. This can mean adding automated smart home technology to the house such as smart thermostats, smart switches and control from your smart phone or tablet.  Adding or changing the lighting in a room or rooms can provide a fresh perspective.  A few key updates can go a long way in selling your home.

Does your home have a generator? Mother Nature is never predictable, vehicular accidents can take down power on a gorgeous day and our grid is vulnerable to outages. An automatic standby or even a portable generator with professional installation increases the value of your home.  Protect your home from a utility outage.  A few hours or a few days can be inconvenient to no longer having the comforts of your home accessible. Ensure your home is protected by a generator.

Contact Lucci Electric to assess your home automation needs , lighting design or to develop a plan for a turnkey generator installation.

Spring thaw in February causing your roof to leak?

Warmer daytime temperatures, freezing nights and a few more snow events spell trouble for potentially leaking roofs.

Ice dams are not obvious threats. They become obvious after the damage has been done. Snow on the roof, heat rising in the attic, and Mother Nature’s warm sunshine produce melt that are all a recipe for possible ice dams.

How an ice dam forms:

Melting snow runs towards the edge and eaves of the roof, and then they refreeze and melt again in the days following a snow storm.  This cycle cause the ice to form and “back up” the gutter system preventing the flow of water. The water pushes behind and under the shingles and eaves resulting in interior damage to ceilings, walls and windows.

Roof and gutter deicing cables along with automatic moisture sensors are the best solution to this problem.

De-icing cables offer the most direct and effective protection. Fastened into position over the eaves (and often within the gutters as well), these cables output heat to prevent melted snow from refreezing before it has the chance to run off the roof, into the gutter or drainage system, and finally into the yard.


Conditions are ideal to have the professionals at Lucci Electric review your roof and gutter deicing needs.

Safety Tips during a power outage

During a Power Outage: Safety Tips

  • Only use flashlights for emergency lighting, candles can cause fires.
  • Keep refrigerator and freezer doors closed. Most food requiring refrigeration can be kept safely in a closed refrigerator for several hours. An unopened refrigerator will keep food cold for about 4 hours. A full freezer will keep the temperature for about 48 hours.
  • Turn off or disconnect appliances and other equipment in case of a momentary power “surge” that can damage computers and other devices. Consider adding surge protectors to electronics or have a licensed electrician install whole house surge protection.
  • If you have an automatic generator, make sure you have fuel, and any debris is cleared around the generator.
  • If you have a portable generator, make sure it is properly connected (installation by a licensed electrician) and  NEVER run a portable generator inside a home or garage